a brief announcement even though newsletters shouldn't have those

I'll talk about it more soon but some bullshit has happened and I won't be able to do any real posts for, I dunno, a few days, a week. But stuff is happening soon: a memoir essay, a review of the Bob Dylan/Willie Nelson show that is tomorrow and even the maximum amount of bullshit couldn't stop me from seeing, and a feature about X's final album and tour.

In the meantime, hey, please tell your friends to sign up for a paid subscription. This is the only money I got coming in right now. And if you're in the Los Angeles area, I'm still looking hard for a full time job and I'm pretty damn malleable about what I'll do for a living. If you email kaleb.c.horton@gmail.com, I can send you my CV. Trying to turn this ship around and I can't do it by myself. All I can do on my own is write these pretty little sentences like I'm doing now.

Peace & love,