a quick update

Howdy all. Just wanted to let everybody know I’m not dead.

After an obnoxious amount of research, I got the exact computer I needed. It was stupid expensive but I use it 8 hours a day. A million years ago my granddad told me that if you use a tool every day, get the one you like and know how to use the best and damn the cost. So that’s what I did. It’s custom so I’ll be properly back up and running in a few weeks.

My finger’s on the mend too. It’s almost funny in a TV-14 in 2003 way that it’s the middle finger on my dominant hand, so it always looks like I’m flipping people off. Got a few dirty looks about that at the library. If it happens again I’m gonna say it’s an old war injury.

It was 111 yesterday but I’m saying yes to life so I went to an industrial area of Sunland for some home repair errands. Felt like True Detective season 2 should have felt if him that created it didn’t have the “whole life to make the first album, six months to make the second” disease. Unfortunately I have to wait on the computer to write a deranged and perfectly non-topical screed about this.

Don’t miss social media but being down a computer has given me a new appreciation for writing. I‘ve always romantically thought that one day I’d throw my computer in the LA river and work with my hands but every time I try to install a shelf I immediately have an idea for an essay and the itch comes back and I forget about the shelf. I go insane when I don‘t write. Even frying eggs in the morning gets confusing.

I have a lot of stories for when I get back, scribbled on legal pads with my left hand. They look like the ravings of a murderer but I know what they mean. I look forward to sharing them. Meanwhile, I’m still busted ass broke so if you hear of any jobs, please holler. I’ll have a computer by the time a job lead would go anywhere. Just tell any prospective employers that I’m amazing at installing shelves.